Exploring the hourglass, gambling, and five years

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Exploring the hourglass, gambling, and five years

Welcome to the Intentional Dollar weekly newsletter — great work taking this small step to move your money forward. I’m Logan, a Certified Financial Planner™, and I’m excited you’re here!

What’s inside?

  • One tool to experiment with

  • Two quotes from others

  • Three questions to dig deeper

  • Four lines of poetry for the point

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One tool to experiment with:

The Hourglass:

Sand falls in the hourglass, seconds tick on the corporate clock, wet paint drys — all with staunch indifference to your presence. The residing judge won’t call a jury, which means it doesn’t matter that you’re there as witness. These things will happen, if you wait. It’s time that ties our obscure list together with common thread, gold bow and all. Patience enables time’s magic. Patience is magic.

There’s one investing virtue that dwarfs the others. I hope you’ve guessed patience. Without it, you won’t make it far in the investment world.

This isn’t your grandfather’s patience. The lawn-chair, neighbor-watching, time-to-kill kind of patience. It’s not the patience you admire in those around that never seem rushed.

It’s a patience that is intentional and indirect. The kind where you put the work in and then forget. Patience by default.

The tempting short-term jostling of your investments is a quick way to whittle down your hard-won dollars. Emotion causes motion, and plays a sinister trick on you — fooling you into believing you’re on top of things — that you’re in control. Motion is reactive behavior. Patience is proactive.

Say you turn a hefty hourglass upside down — the largest hourglass you can imagine. It’s filled with millions and millions of fine sand particles. If you flipped this massive hourglass over and watched each small piece of sand stack on the other side, I can assure you, you would lose your mind.

When you walk away, the sand will still trickle into a neat pile at the bottom, piece by piece. You don’t see it working, but you know it is.

Patience becomes easy when you forget about the wait. But when you’re aware of the clock, it can be a ghoulish nightmare. One where you’re bound to a stiff wooden chair, with a front row seat to see the slow sand stack; piece, by piece, by piece.

That’s not patience; that’s watching paint dry, and you’re not doing that because you have better things to do.

Patience is buying and holding. Buying is the intentional action. Holding is the indirect walking away and forgetting.

By diverting focus away from the falling sand, you’ll eventually forget. You move on, but the pile builds.

We don’t have to be mindful monks here, we just have to learn to forget.

don’t watch the sand stack, just know it’s stacking

Two quotes on gambling:

Are you gambling or investing?

“The propensity to gamble is always increased by a large prize versus a small entry fee, no matter how poor the true odds may be.“

Warren Buffett

“The game of professional investment is intolerably boring and overexacting to anyone who is entirely exempt from the gambling instinct; whilst he who has it must pay to this propensity the appropriate toll.”

John Maynard Keynes

Three questions on five years:

  1. What did my money look like five years ago?

  2. Seeing how much has changed over the last five years, where might my money end up in the next five?

  3. What’s caused the most financial friction and stress over the last five years/What’s been the biggest financial win?

Which question stuck with you? Questions like these are spotlights for the mind. Reply to this email and let me know which one shined light on a previously dark cave.

Four lines of poetry for the point:

The hourglass sits, and collects its sand with time,

Flip it over, walk away, intentionally leave it behind.

Patience paves the path for you,

Patience is money’s virtue.

Contact Me:

Content ideas, questions? Reply to this email or reach out to me at [email protected]

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